Kim Kardashian dazzled the red carpet with her 90's inspired golden Versace dress at the Met Gala 2018. She took her head-to-toe glow to her eyeballs, too. Kardashian wore golden contact lenses as the finishing touch to complete her "Heavenly Bodies" look.
Kim Kardashian's eyes were noticeably lighter featuring hazel color with a dark border like Solotica Natural Colour Ocre.
In this angle the colored contacts is resembling Solotica Natural Colour Avela.
Kim's eye photo below shows a warm hazel-brown tone captivated with the sweetness of luscious honey color like Otaku Desire Honey.
Also you would have seen some images going around in social media of Kim Kardashian with different color eyes, some of them were actually just photoshopped. Here we have gathered them for you so you know ;)
Here Kim's eye color is like a super bright sky blue same with Solotica Natural Color Azul (Blue)
In this photo it seems like Kim's eye color is that reflection of the ocean just like Otaku Honeymoon Ocean
This eye color resembles Solotica Hidrocor Esmeralda (Emerald) that gives off a natural looking bright green eyes.
In here her eyes are in crystal grey-ish color with a tinge of blue same with Otaku Crystal Moonlight
And on this one Kim's eyes are natural looking bright gray just like Solotica Hidrocor Ice - intriguing and mysterious.
Kim really like to play with her eye color. And it appears that she's obsessed with the golden contact lenses as she has worn them out more than once a week.
For me the best is otaku desire honey!
They are beautiful all them
Do you guys deliver to South Africa?
Nice Blog. Thanks for sharing such a informative blog. Your this kind of blog is very helpful for those people who suffer contact lense problem so this post is useful for that people. Keep up to the great work
I have around 25 lenses I think the honey and Anastasia Blue and the passion Pearl are the best ones